The giraffes at Wilderness Trails are quite tame.  At least some of them are.  Here's Barbara and our guide next to one of the camp's tame giraffes.  We were even able to pet the animal. 
In addition to different giraffe species, we saw a different specie of zebra.  In Tanzania, we saw the Burchells, also known as the common or plains zebra.  In Kenya, we say the Grevy zebra.  Although when pointed out, the differences are quite obvious, at first we didn't recognize them.  We would kid that one species was white with black stripes and the other was black with white stripes.  Actually the differences are quite pronounced.  The Grevy zebra (shown on the left) is larger, has large round ears, narrower stripes, and a white belly.  The common zebra (shown on the right) is smaller and has broader stripes that go completely around the belly.   Another point of interest - the pattern on a zebra is unique.  Like fingerprints, no two zebras have identical stripe patterns.
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