The birds on the previous page are the species that attract most of the attention.  They are larger birds, in great abundance, and show little or no fear of the humans. 

There are MANY other species of birds on the islands.  Of course there are the famous Darwin finches.  These were the foundation of Darwin's theories of evolution.  We saw a number of finches of different varieties but I don't have many pictures as they are not as cooperative for photo taking. 

Below are pictures of some of the other birds we saw. 
There were also flightless cormorants.  Below is a cormorant waiting patiently for a meal.  On the left are a couple of cormorants surrounded by  marine iguanas.  Also just outside the scope of this picture were some sea lions and sea lion pups.  The profusion of wild life is extraordinary.
And pelicans!
One of the most beautiful birds is the red-billed tropic bird.  These birds have a magnificent long tail that is spectacular in flight. 
We also saw the waved albatross.  On the right is a chick.  UGLY!  But it's not for long - the adult is much better looking.
There were also many smaller birds some of which are shown below. 
<--    On the left is a Galapagos hawk. 

On the right is a yellow-crowned night heron.  -->
<-- Yellow Warbler                          Ground Finch              -->
Galapagos Flycatcher
Below are two pictures of a masked crimson tanager.  As you can see in the picture on the left, this is a small, beautiful bird.  Here it is sitting on the back of a giant tortoise.  On the right is a enlarged picture of the same bird.